Convocatoria de Afiliación
Convocamos a interesados en el recurso suelo a convertirse en socios de la Sociedad Uruguaya de Ciencia del Suelo (SUCS).
Te invitamos a mirar los últimos boletines de ISTRO
Material Didáctico
¡ESCARBA! Los Secretos del Suelo


A few more days to register! 

GSOP18 will be held at the FAO premises in Rome, Italy from 2 to 4 May 2018. The UN Food and Agriculture Organization and its Global Soil Partnership (GSP), the Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils (ITPS), together with the Secretariats of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions, UN Environment and World Health Organization (WHO) are looking forward to this ground-breaking event and expect prominent keynote speakers and over 160 oral and poster presentations.

The Symposium will provide a common platform to discuss and elaborate on the latest information on the status, trends, threatening consequences of soil pollution on human health, food safety and the environment. Check the GSOP18 concept note and the preliminary agenda for more information.

The registration to the Global Symposium on Soil Pollution is mandatory and will close on the 8 April 2018

Website: Español 



Enter the photo contest on soil pollution 

Tell Your Story by entering the photo contest on #SoilPollution. Photographers ages 18 and up are invited to send their photos to Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo. to help us unearth the hidden reality of soil pollution. Winners will have their photos displayed during the Symposium in the FAO Atrium and receive soil related prizes. Learn more here.

Please continue to check the GSOP18 webpages for latest updates on the upcoming global event and follow our #GSOP18 #SoilPollution campaign on social media. #BeTheSolution!










EASY PLANNERS - Congresos & Exposiciones
(+598) 2401.2005* - Chaná 2159 - Montevideo, 11.200 - Uruguay