Compartimos la invitación de la Sociedad Latinoamericana de la Ciencia del Suelo a participar del 21 WCSS
Debajo encontrarán el SEGUNDO AVISO para la realización del XXI WCSS, mismo que fue enviado a los Presidentes Nacionales para su difusión, y esperando contar con su muy valiosa participación.
Solicitamos a ustedes tomar en cuenta que la fecha límite de recepción de trabajos es el 30 de Noviembre de 2017 20 de Enero de 2018 (NEW!), por lo que urge nos auxilien haciendo esto del conocimiento de todos los asociados y colaborar todos cerrando filas con la Sociedad Brasileña para el éxito de este XXI WCSS.
Global Soil Partnership Newsletter
Since 2012, the soil community has celebrated World Soil Day (WSD) on the 5th of December to raise awareness on the importance of soils for ZeroHunger, essential eco-system services – including climate change adaptation and mitigation – and sustainable development. Each year, there are events in over 150 countries across the world, making WSD a huge day on the UN calendar. On 5th December 2017, we are launching the first-ever Global Soil Organic Carbon map (GSOCmap). GSOCmap supports the development and empowerment of countries to build their national soil information systems, and so identify land that can be rehabilitated to increase food production and climate change mitigation through increased storage of soil organic carbon.
The theme of the World Soil Day campaign this year is "Caring for the planet starts from the ground". The GSP Secretariat, along with the GSP Partners, are committed to creating change and providing the soil community with tools and activities for an unforgettable celebration. So, join the movement, and help us create a buzz around #WorldSoilDay. Create tangible impact by inspiring action from governments, cities or local authorities, media, the private sector, local communities, teachers, students, colleagues and many others.
The success of the World Soil Day depends on you! Please tell your friends and colleagues and help disseminate the new World Soil Day webpage:
Eduardo Mansur,
Director Land and Water Division, FAO | GSP Secretariat
IUSS Alert 147 (September 2017)
News from the IUSS Website
The latest IUSS Fact sheets Soil degradation and desertification, written by IUSS Past President, Prof. Rainer Horn, and on Soil and Health by Ganga M. Hettiarachchi, Chair of IUSS Commission 4.2 Soils, Food Security, and Human Health, were uploaded to the IUSS Website.
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The most recent Viewpoint on “The ecological costs of soil management practices” by Rattan Lal, President of the International Union of Soil Sciences is now available on the IUSS website.
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First call for contributions for the IUSS Bulletin 131
The IUSS Secretariat (Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.) will soon start compiling IUSS Bulletin 131 (to be published in December) and therefore invites all IUSS members to submit their contributions at their earliest convenience, but no later than 15 November 2017. In particular, the Secretariat would welcome conference/meeting reports and reports on activities dedicated to the International Decade of Soils (2015-2024), answers to the “Five Questions to a Soil Scientist”, your three favourite soil science books and any other information you would like to share with the international soil science community. Please make sure to send high-resolution photos only.
IUSS Alert 146 (August 2017)
Website for IUSS World Congress 2018 now online
The website for the 21st World Congress of Soil Science has gone online. The congress, which is arguably the most acclaimed meeting in the area of soil science, will be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 12-17, 2018. Registration and call for abstracts is open.
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Anthropcentrism and Soil Health
The newest Viewpoint on “The Anthropcentrism and Soil Health” by Rattan Lal, President of the International Union of Soil Sciences is now available on the IUSS website.
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Compartimos la invitación de la Sociedad Latinoamericana de la Ciencia del Suelo a participar del 21 WCSS
Les informamos que la nueva página web del XXI Congreso Mundial de la Ciencia del Suelo: WCSS, está ya activa en la dirección, e igualmente puede accederse a ello desde la web:
Se encuentra ya abierto el periodo de registro de ponentes así como el de envío de trabajos al congreso y las cuotas son mucho más accesibles que las que se acostumbra a cobrar en los WCSS. Toda la información necesaria para iniciar el proceso se encuentra ya en la Web del congreso.
Les solicitamos hacer del conocimiento público de sus asociados dicha información y promover activamente este evento mundial que por segunda vez se lleva a cabo en Latinoamérica a fin de lograr una gran participación con excelente calidad de nuestra comunidad edafológica.
IUSS Alert (July 2017)
Lars J. Munkholm
It is summertime in the Northern Hemisphere – this means for many of us that it is time to recharge the batteries after a busy semester and/or field work season. Holidays play a key role in this respect – but it is also high season to get recharged professionally via meetings, workshops and conferences. The recently held ISTRO branch conference in Croatia is prime example of this where about 100 participants from 25 countries met and discussed "Sustainability challenges in agroecosystems" (see report below). Upcoming meetings in Nigeria and Iran are other examples.
Next year, the 21st ISTRO Conference in Paris, September 24-27, 2018 will be a key opportunity for you to get updated on Soil and Tillage Research. This ISTROINFO includes updates on the conference (see below). Our young members should pay special attention to the opportunity of getting an ISTRO scholarship to attend the conference, as detailed below. ISTRO will again support four scholarships for the ISTRO conference; the Cees van Ouwerkerk scholarship is open to young researchers from any country and the three other scholarships are open to young researchers from all countries except those classified as being "high-income."
IUSS Alert 143 (May 2017)
Preparation of the World Congress of Soil Science 2018
The last months have seen a lot of progress with the preparation of the scientific programme of the 21st World Congress of Soil Science 2018. The programme will be available in June 2017. The next steps towards the Congress taking place from 12 to 17 August 2018 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, are the following:
- On-line registration and abstract submission open: June 2017
- Deadline for abstract submission: 30/11/2017
- Notification for abstract acceptance: 15/01/2018
- Deadline for early registration: 15/02/2018
- Deadline for regular registration: 12/05/2018
Please take note of these dates in order to submit your contribution and to register for the congress in time. We are looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the WCSS 2018.
The marvel of soil biodiversity
In this article, Leo M. Condron explains why the multitude of organisms actively making up the soil biomass are crucial to the survival and growth of all plants and animals. Most people are familiar with the concept of biodiversity. Its health and functional benefits are derived from the presence of many different plant and animal species in an environment. Biodiversity ‘hotspots’ support a vast variety of plant and animal species; an example being a tropical rainforest with up to 80,000 plant, 50,000 insect, 1,500 bird, and 2,000 mammal/amphibian species. However, the corresponding level of biodiversity present in the underlying soil environment is much greater than above-ground, with over 100,000 known species of bacteria and fungi, 25,000 species of nematodes, 40,000 species of mites, and 7,000 species of earthworms.
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21-23 de marzo de 2017, Sede de la FAO, Roma (Italia)
Más de 450 científicos y profesionales de 111 países pertenecientes a todas las regiones del mundo, se reunieron en la sede de la FAO en Roma desde el 21 hasta al 23 de marzo del 2017 en el Simposio Mundial del Carbono Orgánico del Suelo (GSOC17). Los participantes presentaron los resultados de sus estudios sobre el potencial de secuestro de carbono del suelo y los desafíos relacionados al manejo del carbono orgánico del suelo (COS) en diferentes paisajes - como turberas, suelos negros, permafrost, los pastizales y tierras áridas.