Dear WASWAC members,
Attached please find the Hot News for the issue 12 of 2016.
The Spring Festival will be coming soon, the Secretarait wish all of you a very happy Chinese New Year !
Any comments and suggestions are welcomed to send us by waswac@vip.
VI Jornada de Riego por Superficie Tecnificado en Pasturas y Cultivos
27 Enero, 2017. 08:30 hrs.
Establecimiento El Junco
Dear WASWAC members,
Attached please find the Hot News for the issue 11 of 2016.
The year of 2016 will be passed soon and the new year of 2017 is about around the corner. Take this opportunity, Prof. Li Rui, the president of our association express his heartfelt thanks to all WASWAC councilors, advisors, and all members. The brief annual report is included in this issue.
IUSS Alert 138 (December 2016)
IUSS Inter-Congress Meeting 2016
The 2016 Inter-Congress Meeting took place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Sunday 20 – Friday 25 November 2016. This meeting comprised a Council meeting, Division meetings, a One-Day symposium related to the theme of the WCSS 2018 ‘Soil science: beyond food and fuel’ and a meeting of the Executive Committee.
Election of IUSS Honorary Members 2016
According to the IUSS Statutes Honorary Members are elected by Council, and shall be living at the time of election. They must be scientists of great distinction in Soil Science and have made substantial contributions to ISSS/IUSS.
A total of 20 nominations were distributed to the Council members three months before the Inter-Congress meeting. Elections took place by secret ballot among Council members present for the Inter-Congress meeting in Rio de Janeiro on 24 November 2016. Council members were allowed to vote only for candidates they considered to have the requirements of a Honorary Member of the Union. Successful candidates had to receive more votes than a number equivalent to half of the number of eligible voting members attending the Council Meeting.
Global Soil Partnership
"On World Soil Day, I call for greater attention to the pressing issues
affecting soils, including climate change, antimicrobial resistance, soil-borne
diseases, contamination, nutrition and human health"
UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon
Dia Mundial del Suelo
5 de diciembre
Estimados socios y amigos,
Las Naciones Unidas, mediante la resolución 232 tomada durante el 68° período de sesiones de la Asamblea General en el año 2013, designó al día 5 de diciembre para celebrar el DÍA MUNDIAL DEL SUELO ( ).
En marco de esta celebración, la Sociedad Uruguaya de Ciencia del Suelo (SUCS) invita a todos sus asociados y amigos a tomar las acciones necesarias para PRESERVAR este recurso natural, finito y no renovable.
IUSS Alert 137 (November 2016)
Contributions to IUSS Bulletin 129
The IUSS Secretariat would like to thank all authors for their timely contributions! For any late deliveries, we would like to extend the deadline until 5 December. Any contributions received after that date will be included in the June 2017 Alert.
New Newsletter of IUSS Commission 1.1. Soil Morphology and Micromorphology
The most recent Newsletter of Commission 1.1. contains a number of interesting articles, from the 2016 Young Micromorphologist Publication Award, information on forthcoming meetings and congresses, research notes and publications to past and future courses and, last but not least, the lyrics to a song dedicated to Calcrete.
Dear WASWAC members,
Attached please find the Hot News for the issue 9 of 2016.
All your fresh fruits are welcome to submit to our official journal – International Soil and Water Conservation Research.
IUSS Alert 134 (August 2016)
Update on IUSS Presidential elections
As you already know, the election of the next IUSS President is due this year. The call for nominations was published in a separate Alert on 16 March 2016. The nomination period for the Presidential elections closed May 31. The two nominated candidates, Professor Alex McBratney (Australia) and Professor Takashi Kosaki (Japan), were accepted by the Presidential Election Committee. The Council (National Soil Science Societies in good financial standing with IUSS, Executive Committee members and 3 Honorary Members) may cast their vote until 15 September 2016. The result of the election will be presented to the President and Executive Committee following the conclusion of the vote and subsequently announced to members by email and on the IUSS website.