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IUSS Alert 142 (April 2017)

Request for Contributions to the next IUSS Bulletin 130
The IUSS Secretariat (Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.) would like to kindly invite all IUSS members to submit their contributions for our next IUSS Bulletin 130 (to be published in June) at their earliest convenience, but no later than 15 May 2017. In particular, the Secretariat would welcome conference/meeting reports and reports on activities dedicated to the International Decade of Soils (2015-2024), answers to the “Five Questions to a Soil Scientist”, your three favourite soil science books and any other information you would like to share with the international soil science community. Please make sure to send high-resolution photos only.

IUSS presentation at EGU General Assembly 2017
At EGU 2017 taking place in Vienna, 24 to 28 April 2017, IUSS will share a booth with the Brazilian, British and Italian Soil Science Society. IUSS will present its Divisions and their most recent activities. The IUSS Flyer was updated accordingly. In order to increase the extent of its contributions to solving soil-related issues such as climate change or food and water security through public outreach campaigns, education, dissemination of information and the publication of a series of soil books, IUSS is hosting the Short course ‘International Decade of Soils: Ideas for outreach activities’ on Tue, 25 Apr, 13:30–15:00 / Room -2.31. 

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Dear WASWAC members,

Attached please find the Hot News for the issue 03 of 2017.

1. The deadline of extended abstract submission and registration for CONSOWA will be coming soon, please make your submission and registration as soon as you can.

2. APFNet Scholarship will continue to support excellent holder of Bachelor’s degree from central Asian counties to study at Northwest A&F University in China for 2 years. The application will be closed by the end of May, 2017.

Any comments and suggestions are welcomed to send us by Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.

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Dear WASWAC members,

Attached please find the Hot News for the issue 02 of 2017.

Our website is being updated, it is nearly finished, more progress will send to you soon.

The Spring Festival will be coming soon, the Secretarait wish all of you a very happy Chinese New Year !

Any comments and suggestions are welcomed to send us by waswac@vip.

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IUSS Alert 141 (February 2017)

The IUSS Jeju Award
The IUSS Jeju Award has been co-established by IUSS and the Korean Society of Soil Science and Fertilizer (KSSSF) in commemoration of the successful 20th World Congress of Soil Science (WCSS) in Jeju, Korea in 2014. The Award is a strategic award given to a young and mid-career soil scientist who has innovative and outstanding accomplishments in education, research, or extension in soil sciences and has made a substantial contribution to IUSS missions.

Starting in 2018, the IUSS Jeju Award will be given to one awardee every four years at each World Congress of Soil Science. The Award consists of a plaque or equivalent, a certificate, a US$1,000 honorarium, and financial support for air fare and accommodation to attend the presentation at the WCSS. If there is no acceptable candidate, the award will not be given.

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New mobile application for classifying soils using WRB 2015
The first mobile application for soil classification using World Reference Base for Soil Resources (WRB) was released at the World Soil Congress in Jeju (Republic of Korea) in 2014. The app worked under Android as the most widely used operation system for mobile phones. The application was well received by the soil science community, but also received some criticism and suggestions for improvement. Thanks to the support of the IUSS Stimulus Fund and Division 1 recently a new version of the application: this time it is adapted for Android, iOS, and Windows Mobile platforms thus covering all the mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets etc. 

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Premio Académico Scholar Award 2017

Reconocimiento para Estudiantes de Posgrado - Fecha limite de presentación 27 de Abril de 2017

El programa IPNI Scholar Award se encuentra abierto a estudiantes graduados que cursen estudios en ciencias relevantes a la nutrición de plantas y el manejo nutricional de los cultivos, en una institución que otorgue títulos oficiales en cualquier país con un programa del IPNI. Son elegibles aquellos candidatos al título de Maestría o Doctorado que se encuentren inscritos en las respectivas carreras y presenten la documentación requerida antes de la fecha límite. Los formularios deben completarse, exclusivamente, vía web. Para ingresar su solicitud haga click en "comenzar".

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New MOOC Feeding a Hungry Planet: Agriculture, Nutrition and Sustainability, start on Monday March 20.

This 7-weeks free online course from the SDG Academy highlights the global goal to end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and ensure sustainable food production systems by 2030. We will explore the pressing challenges around agriculture and food systems, the central role of agriculture in the Sustainable Development Goals, and development pathways towards global food security and sustainable agriculture.


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IUSS Alert 140 (February 2017)

International Decade of Soils (2015-2024)
As one of the outreach activities during the International Decade of Soils (2015-2024), the book Soils within cities – Global approaches to their sustainable management was published. Edited on behalf of the International Union of Soil Sciences, this book is the result of a joint effort of the international SUITMA (Soils of the Urban, Traffic, Mining and Military Areas) working group of the International Union of Soil Sciences. IUSS would like to thank all authors and especially SUITMA for their dedication and work on this book. For further details please check the section on New Publications.

IUSS Stimulus Fund
IUSS has established an annual Stimulus Fund to support suitable activities within its Commissions and Working Groups. Where appropriate, the Fund will also support other activities to assist the development of Soil Science generally but particularly in regions of the world where lack of resources limit opportunities. The current submission period will end March 15, 2017.

Details on the IUSS Stimulus Fund can be found here:

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Dear WASWAC members,

Attached please find the Hot News for the issue 01 of 2017.

Our website is being updated, it is expected to be worked by the end of March.

Any comments and suggestions are welcomed to send us by waswac@vip.

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IUSS Alert 139 (January 2017)

IUSS Distinguished Service Award for French Minister Le Foll
On 6 January 2017 the event “Soil and Climate Change: the 4p1000 initiative” was organized by IUSS and INRA in honour of HE Hon’ble Stephane Le Foll, the Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of France. The scientific seminar addressed a very pertinent theme of soil carbon sequestration which is in accord with the “4 per Thousand” Initiative conceptualized and promoted by the Minister.

Mirek Kutilek (1927 – 2017)
The very well-known and famous professor, scientist and teacher Professor Dr. Miroslav (Mirek) Kutílek passed away on 4 October, 2016. He spent most of his student and working life at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU), Czech Republic. Mirek was appointed full Professor of soil physics and soil hydrology at CTU and he was also active at many different institutions all over the world. Additionally, he worked as an editor-in-chief of international scientific journals such as Soil Technology (1990-1991) and Soil and Tillage Research (1992-2013). He was president of the soil physics section of the International Soil Science Society (1986-1990) and in 1998 he became an honorary member of this society, now called IUSS

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